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Russian psychologists demand a revision of the provisions of the bill On Psychological Aid


On October 5, 2022, the Russian Parliamentary Committee on Family, Women and Children sent a draft of the Federal Law “On Psychological Aid in the Russian Federation” for discussion by the professional community. Its text has caused anxiety not only among experienced practicing psychologists but also among those who are just about to enter the profession. The concerns of specialists are connected with a number of drawbacks, unclear innovations and educational requirements.

In this regard, on October 17, 2022, the online school of psychological professions «Psychodemia» organized a meeting, where representatives of business, education and practice of psychology discussed the bill in order to formulate their own recommendations. The participants unanimously came to the conclusion that the text of the possible law does not take into consideration the private practice of the psychologist-consultant and requires improvement as the adoption of the bill in this wording may cause negative consequences both for psychologists and their clients. Following the meeting, the experts compiled a letter describing their demands and sent it to the Russian Psychological Association and the National Professional Psychotherapeutic League.

“We do not understand the status of people who entered the profession after retraining on the basis of higher education. There are many high-level experts with decades of additional practical training under their belt, but they have no higher psychological education,
– notes Maria Danina, psychologist, founder of the online school of psychological professions «Psychodemia». – Imagine that you have been working as a psychologist for many years, and they send you to university for a bachelor’s degree to study memory models – it does not help a specialist who has already established himself professionally.”

According to the roundtable participants, the adoption of the bill in its current form may cause a number of difficulties. For example, the…


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