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Can Swimmers and Sharks Live Together? Smarter Maps can help


Medici’s death was the death of the first shark to occur in Massachusetts since 1936. “We’re doing the route, aren’t we?” says Doyle. “There were three bites in 14 months.” After a friend’s paddleboard scare, Doyle co-founded it Cape Cod Ocean Community, eventually became a nonprofit group responsible for increasing public safety. The team has helped connect pilots with lifeguards to warn of possible sharks. He has raised money for drones and giant balloons the size of cars with high-resolution cameras that can detect sharks, and has defended such devices. Light dark, a marine monitoring and alert system that detects high marine life.

But six months examination Commissioned by Cape Town and released in October 2019, they examined the effectiveness of more than two dozen shark mitigation strategies, including Clever Buoy, as well as networks, virtual fences, shark-wielding electromagnets and drones, among others. The report eventually concluded that most did not have enough evidence to work, had limited effectiveness, or would not work on the Cape Cod coast – except for one: changing human behavior.

This has been a major way for public safety officials to mitigate shark risk over the past eight to nine years, said Suzanne Grout, director of community services for a fishing village 15 miles off Cape Cod Point in Thomas Wellfleet. Since Medici’s death, villages have stepped up protocols, limiting the extent to which people can swim and limiting beaches to swimming more than once a day. Lifeguards as well as some citizens are trained “stop bleeding”Bite-making practices, while signs warn of the presence of sharks. “Our biggest contribution to this is educating the general public on how sharks can behave,” says Thomas. And he already sees the signal that it is working. People swim closer to the shore, or don’t swim at all, and react faster when lifeguards blow the whistle to clear the water.

Last summer Wellfleet had two buoys that sent a signal to lifeguards. If a tagged shark was 200 feet away, swimmers could be called out of the water. “There were hundreds and hundreds of sharks that pinged these buoys last summer,” Thomas says. His goal is to have one on every beach.

He acknowledges that this view has its limitations. Not all large white sharks are tagged and mobile phone network service on the beaches of Cape Outside is still very good, which makes it difficult to share live notification systems.

As researchers and residents consider the best mitigation strategies, one strategy – murder – has been left out of the table. That is the view some countries they have tried. Western Australia, for example, introduced regional policy in 2012 to track, capture and destroy sharks that posed an “immediate threat” to beaches. According to International Shark Attack File, is a global database, Western Australian shark attacks have been on a downward trend, but have risen again in the last two years. Although it is difficult to estimate the effects, many experts have said the destruction of the projects do not work.

Now, technological advances and a growing understanding of animal intelligence give researchers hope that another management option may be on the table that seeks to change shark behavior rather than understanding it.

The ocean floor The cape beach is a huge patch of deep banks and trenches. Sharks have learned to navigate this underwater maze. Now some hunt in what they call “basins,” a deep area of ​​water that forms like the letter C between the outer sand bar and the beach. Because seals are often found in these deep waters near the coast, sharks have learned to attack from the side, rather than ambush from below. In fact, unlike other parts of the world, Cape Code sharks spend half their time in water less than 15 meters, most recently examination he analyzed data collected about eight large whites.


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