Deaths in police favela in Rio de Janeiro 28 | Human Rights News

Amnesty International says the operation against drug trafficking in Jacarezinho’s favela is “reprehensible and unjustifiable”.
Brazilian police have killed 28 people this week in attacks on a favela in Rio de Janeiro, a police official said Friday that international human rights groups condemned the violence.
A police officer and 27 people died at the beginning of the wake, and the authorities said they disappeared from the radical drug traffickers in Jacarinhon, in the impoverished community of the city’s northern site.
Was the deadliest police operation never performed in Rio de Janeiro.
“Intelligence confirmed that the dead were drug traffickers. They fired at the officers, killing them. They had orders to deal with it, ”Civil Police chief Allan Turnowski told reporters.
Brazilian officials have identified a 48-year-old officer who was killed, but no one else killed in the operation has raised concerns from rights groups and residents who have condemned the use of excessive police force.
“The death toll in this police operation is reprehensible, as is the fact that the massacre took place in a favela,” said Jurema Werneck, Brazil’s executive director of Amnesty International. statement.
“Even if the victim is suspected of a criminal association, which has not been proven, summary executions of this kind are completely unjustifiable. The police have the power to arrest them, but the courts have a duty to prosecute and prosecute those suspected of committing crimes.”
The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) also condemned the violence, saying that Brazilian police in the favelas “encourage a tendency to use force that has not been needed for a long time and is disproportionate.”
The favelas are inhabited by poor, marginalized and mostly Afro-Brazilian residents, OHCHR spokesman Rupert Colville statement on Friday.
“We have received alarming reports that, after the incident, the police did not take any steps to store evidence at the crime scene, which could hinder investigations into the deadly operation,” he said.
Colville called on Brazilian authorities to launch an “independent, in-depth and impartial investigation” into the incident.
The Brazilian Supreme Court last year ruled in favor of the most police action in the COVID-19 pandemic, which has destroyed the South American nation and It caused more than 400,000 deaths – the second highest calculation in the world.
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