Business News

Design+Encyclopedia Reaches 100,000 Entries Defining Design, Art, Architecture, Innovation and Engineering


The A’ Design Award is proud to announce that its curated online resource, the Design+Encyclopedia, has reached a milestone of 100,000 entries. Authored by award-winning professional designers, artists, architects, and experts in the field, the encyclopedia provides in-depth and diverse information on a wide range of design-related topics, including art, architecture, innovation, and inspiration, all for free. The encyclopedia’s focus on good design and its contributions from experts in the field make it a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Today, the Design+Encyclopedia is unique from traditional encyclopedias and other online resources as it includes subjective insights and personal experiences from award-winning professionals, providing a diverse range of perspectives on design and designers. “After 8 years, we are thrilled to see the Design+Encyclopedia finally reach 100,000 entries” said A’ Design Awards Coordinator Onur Mustak Cobanli. “Our mission at A’ Design Awards is to provide a fair, ethical and competitive platform for designers and innovators from all design fields to showcase their success and talents to a global audience, and the Design+Encyclopedia is a natural extension of that mission. It is a truly unique and valuable resource for anyone interested in design.”

The Design+Encyclopedia is accessible to anyone, free of charge and open for contributions from all. Entries go through a review process to ensure accuracy and relevance, with special consideration given to entries submitted by award-winning designers, artists, and architects. “We believe the Design+Encyclopedia will become an essential resource for designers, artists, architects, engineers, innovators and anyone interested in design,” added Dr. Cobanli. “With its focus on promoting good design and providing new and original perspectives, the Design+Encyclopedia is a valuable tool for professionals and enthusiasts alike. We are excited to see it continue to grow…


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