Extremes around the world draw inspiration from DC Insurrection

As the mob attacked the U.S. Capitol last week, far-right extremists, white supremacists and neo-Nazis spread hatred around the world and encouraged violence. Now, experts have warned that there are attacks in the U.S. Congress or attempt last week Storm in the German parliament could be completed in the coming days in August.
On Wednesday, when the House voted to impeach him the second time without precedent, Trump released a statement calling for calm. “As more protests are reported, I urge that there be NO violence, no breaking of the law and no vandalism. … I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm the temperature,” he wrote.
For extremists who are seeing chaos in the United States, however, that message may be too late. Samantha Kutner, a member of the Khalifa Ihler Institute, told BuzzFeed News that far-right groups around the world see the uprising as a “massive recruitment effort” and a “struggle to protect white supremacy”.
Since the uprising, BuzzFeed News has controlled the social media accounts of nearly three dozen far-right groups and leaders outside the United States. Members of extremist groups such as the Nordic Resistance Movement in Scandinavia, CasaPound Italia, the Azov movement in Ukraine and Proud Boys in Australia and Britain, and lesser-known but less dangerous entities, have called for more bloodshed.
The neo-Nazi channel of the Telegram messaging app called on hundreds of subscribers to take up arms and “enjoy the coming deadly carnival”.
Another such channel on the platform shared a message to its thousands of followers because they are “one” to start believing in their “acceleration fantasies”.
Other extremists in the Telegram and Gabe, another social network known as the far right, promoted the “Million Militia March” on January 20 and called on followers to join armed marches in state capitals from Saturday.
Although major social media companies like Facebook and Twitter have begun to remove accounts related to Trump supporters and the far right, and Apple and Google he abandoned the far-right Parler platform, leaving violent and disturbing messages.
“I hope that far-right foreign groups will feel encouraged by January 6,” said extreme researcher Cynthia Miller-Idriss and Hate in the Homeland, he told BuzzFeed News. “Four months after the far-right attack on the German parliament, which is for the global far right, it is an example of ‘success’ and many groups will celebrate it as a victory.”
In August, during a demonstration in Berlin against the German government coronavirus-related restrictions, hundreds right-wing protesters crossed a barrier and tried to attack the country’s legislature. While it was shocking, the police managed to scare people away in a matter of minutes.
Since January 6, most of the extremist channels have grown to only dozens of members, many of whom have started sharing messages with each other for the first time.
Jason Blazakis, a senior Research Fellow at the Soufan Center, told BuzzFeed News that there is some coordination between far-right extremists abroad and U.S.-based extremists. In the wake of last week’s uprising, “those connections may be hardened by what is believed to be the success of the far right,” he said.
Sergei Korotkikh, the leader of the Belarusian-born neo-Nazi and Ukrainian movement Azov, who has been declared a nationalist hate group by the State Department, racistly encouraged the attack on his Telegram channel. “Whites have finally decided to act and are taking over the Capitol building,” he wrote to nearly 23,000 followers. “That’s good, although maybe this time it won’t bring anything. I think that gives us whites who are still here and we know what to do.”
In another post, Korotkikh shared an image in red, white, and blue text that read, “Make America Hate Again.”
Azov has done a great job growing up over the last five years Connection with white European and American supremacists. One of them is the American white supremacist Robert Rundo of the violent Rise Above Movement. Rundo and other RAM members took part in the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville in August 2017. At least one of Rundo’s RAM cohorts was Vincent James Foxx said He was seen in the Capitol incident.
Rundo, however, was not there. He now lives in Serbia to avoid prosecution in the U.S. for alleged crimes in Charlottesville and California, where he praised the violence from his Telegram channel, saying unrest could overtake white supremacy.
“Many of us have been constantly talking about opportunities like the ones we are seeing today. For those who never wanted to take a stand … that may be the case today, ”he wrote to more than 4,000 subscribers.
That was a feeling embraced by a close friend of his, a Russian mixed martial arts fighter, and the neo-Nazi Denis Nikitin, who lives in Ukraine. Nikitin, who owns the White Rex clothing company known among white patriots in the United States, he compared the uprising to the 1925 Ku Klux Klan March down Pennsylvania Avenue.
It seems that international extremists are currently only providing moral support to the United States, Blazakis said they may soon provide more than that.
“I can see foreign actors providing material support to far-right actors in the US in the future – if that doesn’t already happen,” he said. “Since there is no right-wing terrorist group sanctioned by the US government, there is nothing to prevent this financial flow from happening. This is a major weakness.”
Kutner was found by U.S. extremist groups to raise money to help participants in the uprising. BuzzFeed News has seen at least four foreign far-right accounts with links to these Telegram crowdfunding campaigns.
Miller-Idriss said that unless U.S. authorities take into account the Capitol riots and those that prompted them (including Trump), more bloodshed is possible – in the U.S. and abroad.
“It is absolutely essential to send a strong message that this type of violence is treason and will be prosecuted to the extent of the law,” he said.
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