Help! How can I make my workplace more diverse?
Dear OOO,
I am the hiring manager for a very diverse company (white, male). I’d like to help make it more diverse, but it seems like we’re only going to get people who look like us to apply for jobs, and I have no idea what people who don’t look like us can apply for. How can I get better at diversifying staff in hiring?
“Mark it.”
I cry a lot because the lack of diversity in my industry is still deplorable On the InternetThis means that I am constantly receiving variations of this question from friends, colleagues and acquaintances as well as from complete strangers. As much as I love to be an expert on anything and everything, this particular line of research always confuses me. I don’t know if your field is like this, Mark, but my whites sometimes treat me (like other whites) as if they had unlocked a mystical secret … just … when they hire blacks and browns.
I get a little teased when people tell me it’s about hiring people from multiple backgrounds difficult, because it is not; he just needs it effort. When whites say it’s hard to hire more blacks and browns for your huge white offices, it’s a subtext that it’s harder to find qualified blacks and browns than whites. But that is pure. There are plenty of non-white qualified candidates to work on literally, and the only way to end up interviewing whites is if you don’t want to put them to work for a more diverse pool.
I don’t mean to pick with you, Mark. I absolutely believe that you want to make your business better by becoming truly more diverse, and I promise to give you specific tips for doing so. But I think it’s important to understand how to deal with the systemic problems at stake before it’s exciting, because hiring diversity is an area that requires a lot more critical thinking, and you can’t achieve that step by step. -step guide. First of all I encourage you to read a lot about workplace diversity in your industry and in general and discuss what you learn with colleagues.
Okay, here’s the advice you really came up with. I would try to identify things that people who don’t look like you can recommend can be ordered. At least I would bet, people don’t feel like posting their resume because they know full well that you don’t usually employ people who look like them. Who can blame them? Talk to your colored staff (if you have one some, right?) how the company can improve working lives and make the changes they require. (Let it be known that the question is not a trick, but realize that they may not tell you anything, not because you are doing a really great job, but because research shows that people of color are really punished for advocating for diversity at work.) Look at the retention rates of different groups of employees in your company, and if they vary by race, ethnicity, or gender, think about why. Reflect on the differences diversity, equity and inclusion and figure out how to create an inclusive workplace. Then, when you spot great candidates (more information below), you can let them know of all the positive steps you’ve taken to fix your mistakes.
After taking all these steps, and not a second earlier, focus on active hiring, rather than filtering out resumes that appeal to you. Publicly publishing job offers is an important step for multiple employees, but not far enough. Historically, companies have had to use the same network tools that have kept them white and male to diversify. This means asking all your contacts who they recommend. (A big note: do it no ask for recommendations from celebrities of color in your area, unless you already know them well; you don’t gain the advantage of their knowledge, and having people fully clothed won’t help.) It also means browsing LinkedIn, Twitter, message boards, or places to gather solutions for people in your area. Attending professional conferences and other events in your field can also help, but it’s no substitute for doing this harder work.
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