Iran hit by COVID to ban local travel Eid al-Fitr | Coronavirus Pandemic News Before

Tehran, Iran – As Iranian authorities hope the country will soon be able to overcome the fourth major wave of COVID-19 infections, local travel is banned to end Ramadan during the days of religious holidays.
Eid al-Fitr, celebrated by Muslims around the world, will be marked by Iranians on Wednesday and Thursday, and Friday is the country’s weekend. Millions of trips are often made during the long holidays.
According to the Ministry of Health, 283 more Iranians were killed in the last 24 hours, and the death toll was 74,524. Another 13,576 cases were also recorded, with a total of more than 2.64 million infections.
Alireza Raeisi, a spokeswoman for the national headquarters against coronavirus, said on Saturday that travel to all cities will be banned from 2pm on Tuesday, and that the ban will last until noon next Saturday.
As with previous long vacations, it is likely that many will consider penalties as part of their travel expenses because they are not harsh.
In cities classified as “red” on a scale that indicates the severity of the outbreaks, the ban offenders will impose a fine of 10 million rial ($ 47), and those with “orange” and “yellow” cities will have to pay half that amount.
According to Raisi, 46 cities in Iran’s 32 provinces are still classified as “red”, 263 are “orange” and 139 are “yellow”.
In the most affected cities, most businesses are open, but have been ordered to close their home pools and gyms, cafes, cinemas and zoos, among others. If a company violates the rules in “red” cities, it will be closed for three weeks, officials said.
There are also plans to face school and university entrance exams, a decision that has sparked student protests over the past week.
‘The best vaccine is the first vaccine’
President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday that all provinces across the country have at some point hit their peak infections and that cases are expected to go down in the coming weeks.
He said in a TV show by the national anti-coronary virus working group that the fourth wave that swallowed the country was “very high” in the UK as the main variant that was more infectious than the first original variant.
The first cases of infection with variants found in South Africa and India were identified in Iran last week.
“The best vaccine is the first vaccine,” Rouhanik said, while the country continues to delay efforts to import significant volumes of foreign vaccines.
“We hope to be able to include citizens who are at risk, who are at risk for age or underlying diseases, so we can say that we have controlled deaths at the end of this government,” the second president of the second term said. the office ends in early August.
Medical staff administers dose of Russian Sputnik V vaccine at Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran [Ali Mohammadi/Bloomberg]
After the first health workers and those with many underlying diseases, more than 80 Iranians are on the vaccination list. The government on Saturday launched a website to register people and make a vaccination appointment online.
COVAX has given only two million doses of vaccines from China, Russia, India, Cuba and AstraZeneca to Iranians in more than 82 million countries.
Several cases of misuse of vaccines have already been reported in different cities, despite a small number of vaccines. The head of a hospital in Tehran was released last week for allegedly giving relatives and acquaintances beatings reserved for hospital staff.
Rouhani said nine million more doses are expected in less than a month, without specifying the blows.
In addition to the Cuban SOBERANA 02 vaccine, developed in collaboration with the Iranian Pasteur Institute, three other vaccines are being developed locally at different stages of human testing and are expected to be massively produced by the end of the summer.
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