Jura Announces Commencement of Drilling in Guddu Block – Press Release
CALGARY, Alberta, May 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jura Energy Corporation (“Jura”) announced today that the drilling of Umair SE – 01 exploratory well has commenced in the Guddu Block. The projected depth of the well is 785 meters, which will target the Pirkoh and Habib Rahi Limestone formations of Eocene age.
The Guddu Block covers an area of approximately 2093.4 sq.km and is located in the prolific Middle Indus Basin, close to major industrial gas markets and infrastructure.
Jura holds a 13.5% pre commerciality working interest in the Guddu Block, which is operated by Oil and Gas Development Company Limited.
About Jura Energy Corporation
Jura is an international energy company engaged in the exploration, development and production of petroleum and natural gas properties in Pakistan. Jura is based in Calgary, Alberta, and listed on the TSX-V trading under the symbol JEC. Jura conducts its business in Pakistan through its subsidiaries, Frontier Holdings Limited and Spud Energy Pty Limited.
Forward Looking Advisory
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively referred to herein as "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. The words "projected", "will", and …
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