Northern Ireland celebrates its centenary without a hitch, the crisis has eased History News

Northern Ireland celebrated its centenary with fanfare as sharp restrictions on coronavirus blockade, mild post-Brexit unrest and a leadership crisis overshadowed the anniversary in the UK province.
Northern Ireland inhabited by 1.9 million people was founded on 3 May 1921, when the Irish Government Act came into force and after the Irish War of Independence the island was divided into two entities.
Northern Ireland became part of the United Kingdom along with England, Scotland and Wales.
But Monday’s memorial events have been reduced this year, and there won’t be much celebration due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The last few weeks have also been the worst incidents in years in the region. The UK’s exit from the European Union has worried a delicate political balance.
Adding to the sense of unrest, Prime Minister Arlene Foster announced on Wednesday that she had resigned in the wake of an internal uprising in her Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) where Brexit is emerging because of the consequences of Brexit.
Al Jazeera’s Andrew Simmons, from the capital of Belfast in Northern Ireland, said the centenary was a “major concern” over recent events in Northern Ireland.
“There is a recipe for violence unless there is political stability,” he said.
‘Complex history’
Since its inception, Northern Ireland has been a rift between those who want the province to be a member of the UK and those who want to see Ireland reunited. Northern Ireland became part of the Republic of Ireland.
This split sparked decades of sectarian violence, especially between Catholic nationalists who pushed for a united Ireland and mostly Protestant or loyalist unionists in favor of the UK, before the 1998 Good Friday peace deal ended.
More than 3,600 people were killed in the conflict, known as The Troubles, which also included the UK Armed Forces.
The 1998 treaty put an end to violence and formalized power-sharing agreements between unionists and nationalists.
But the two sides often disagree on how to govern, and there have been occasional outbreaks of violence.
Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom said on Monday that the centenary of Northern Ireland was reminiscent of a “complex history” and had given her “an opportunity to reflect on our togetherness and our diversity”.
“It is clear that reconciliation, equality and mutual understanding cannot be taken for granted, and that strength and commitment will be enduring,” he said in a statement.
“Over the generations, the people of Northern Ireland have chosen to build an inclusive, prosperous and hopeful society, strengthened by the gains of the peace process. May that be our guiding thread for years to come. “
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also marked the date, saying the anniversary is “very significant” and stressed the importance of reflecting the “complex history” of the last 100 years.
“People from Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the UK and around the world will approach this anniversary in different ways, with different perspectives,” he said in a statement.
My message on the centenary year of Northern Ireland.
– Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) May 3, 2021
Discussion of the Brexit agreement
The recent unrest in Northern Ireland has sparked outrage in unionist communities, as Johnson now has low esteem for giving Northern Ireland a special post-Brexit “protocol” as many believe the region is moving away from its place in the UK.
At least 88 policemen were injured in the week of riots that spread to the patriotic community in April.
The police against incidents, on the other hand, threw the water cannons to young people and gasoline bombs.
Unionists fear the UK-EU Brexit deal, the so-called Northern Ireland Protocol – which effectively keeps the bloc’s customs in the union and part of the single market – could increase Ireland’s chances of becoming united.
Some critics of the protocol say the new controls put in place to enforce it in Northern Irish ports have essentially created an “Irish maritime border”.
Joining the Brexit deal dealt a severe blow to Foster, who appeared to be strongly opposed to special post-Brexit arrangements for Northern Ireland, but Johnson also failed to prevent them from reaching an agreement with Brussels.
Foster will step down as head of the DUP and prime minister on May 28 “at the end of June,” he said in his exit statement.
A replacement leadership competition is now underway.
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