Photos of the eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano in Iceland

Vilhelm Gunnarsson / Getty Images
After several earthquakes in Iceland, the long-standing Fagradalsfjall volcano erupted on Friday night. The volcano is located about 40 kilometers from Reykjavík, the nearest city and the country’s capital, and did not damage any lives or infrastructure.
“Currently, gas pollution will not cause people much discomfort unless it is near the source of the eruption.” he tweeted Icelandic Meteorological Office this morning. “Gas emissions will be strictly controlled.”
???? The newly erupted Fagradalsfjall volcano is located on the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwestern Iceland. There were many earthquakes before the eruption, as we pointed out a few days ago.
Images of the eruption immediately flooded social media when Icelanders saw volcanic lava and ash light up the sky.
Vilhelm Gunnarsson / Getty Images
The country’s justice minister, Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, made a trip to the volcano when the eruption began to control the situation. Sigurbjörnsdóttir has published the photos live video showing that lava was flowing from the helicopter in an eruption.
I took a photo tonight on the volcanic eruption in Reykjanes Iceland. We are closely monitoring the situation and so far it is not considered a threat to the surrounding villages. ???????????? #Island
Ruv also has a local news outlet intense volcanic flow.
Residents of Reykjavík posted surreal photos of a red glow in the sky showing the Fagradalsfjall eruption.
The eruption also caused a stir among visitors in an attempt to witness the incident.
Among them was Icelandic singer Björk, who said on Instagram that the volcano, once he shot a video clip, was 30 minutes away from home.
“YES !!, the eruption !! In Iceland we are very happy! We still got it !!! peace when nature expresses itself !!!” he published.
The Icelandic Coast Guard has also taken good care of the situation, publishing photos, videos, and scene updates.
On Saturday morning, an employee met a dog who came in to visit.
Local photographers also went to the place, sharing incredible photos.
One person posted the video taken when he said it was the first commercial flight in which the eruption occurred. “This is the most magical thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. I literally cried !!” he said on Instagram.
The flights to Fagradalsfjall seemed to be busy, for as soon as the sun rose the volcano took on all its glory.
One person posted a picture of the illuminated sky, “What you see here is not a sunset, but a volcanic eruption at Fagradalsfjalle.”
According to Meteorological Office, “The eruption is small and volcanic activity has declined slightly since yesterday afternoon.”
“Lava springs are small and lava flows are a very local hazard today,” officials tweeted.
Icelandic Coast Guard / Getty Images
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