SEOs Doctor Visit May Rise Again as Google November 2021Core Update rolling! is is time for Zenax? – Press Release
11/18/2021, Dallas // KISS PR Brand Story PressWire //
There are constant and massive tremors on Google search results, indicating a significant algorithm update. It's time to check if your site is going up/down. SEMRUSH
We have a new core update rolling out later today.
Earlier today, Google rolled out its November 2021 Core Update. In total, Google released three core updates in 2021.
Here is the announcement from Google on November 17 Update
As with all previous announcements on core updates, Google announced this rollout on its Google Search Central Twitter account, not the Search Liaison account.
Holiday Season Tremors from Google
The SEO community is upset and surprised that Google has rolled out this update just before the biggest online shopping season of the year, hurting all holiday sales.
Just Got Hit by Google Core November 17 Update
Google has given advice on what to consider if you are negatively impacted by a core update in the past. As always, Google says "There aren’t specific actions to take to recover, and in fact, a negative rankings impact may not signal anything is wrong with your pages." After the storm is over, we will see what are the impacts and what should be done as per Qamar Zaman, SEO professional.
Keep Calm take zenax 🙂
Release ID: 62411
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