Business News

How SMEs in Egypt could Survive The Quarantine & Lock-down For 18 Months



The COVID-19 pandemic has been a shock for businesses all over the world, and Egypt is no exception. With the country in lockdown and many businesses forced to close their doors, it’s hard to see how SMEs in Egypt could survive for 18 months. But there are some steps that businesses can take to weather the storm. In this blog post, we will explore how SMEs in Egypt can survive the quarantine and lock-down for 18 months. From diversifying your product range to adapting your marketing strategy, read on for our top tips.

The current situation of SMEs in Egypt

The current situation of SMEs in Egypt is dire. With the country under lockdown and businesses closed, many SMEs are struggling to survive. Some have been able to adapt and continue operating through online platforms or delivery services, but others have not been so lucky. The lack of cash flow and customers has put immense pressure on small businesses, with many having to lay off staff or even close down entirely. The future looks uncertain for SMEs in Egypt, but there are some steps that could be taken to help them weather the storm.

The possible solutions for SMEs to survive the quarantine and lock-down

SMEs in Egypt are currently facing an uphill battle as the country goes into lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19. With many businesses forced to close their doors, SMEs are struggling to keep their head above water. The situation is made worse by the fact that most SMEs in Egypt do not have access to the same financial resources as larger businesses.

However, all is not lost. There are a number of possible solutions for SMEs to survive the quarantine and lock-down. These include:

1) Reducing expenses: One of the first things SMEs should do is take a close look at their expenses and see where they can cut back. This may involve making some tough decisions, but it is crucial for surviving the lock-down period.

2) Making use of technology: Technology can be a powerful tool for SMEs during…


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