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Warning Signs That You Might Need Help


Throughout history, alcohol use has been significantly widespread in many cultures worldwide. People from different walks of life use alcohol to relax, bond, celebrate, and socialise. And this may be one of the reasons why alcohol is often seen as harmful or illegal. But the legal use of alcohol doesn’t mean it is safer than illicit drugs. Just like any other substance, people become dependent on alcohol and develop a deadly addiction called alcohol addiction. In the UK, most people consume alcohol for recreational use, such as at weddings and parties, to chill with friends on the weekend, or as a way to unwind from work. Unfortunately, it was also found that alcohol misuse is the most significant risk factor for death, poor health, and disability among 15-49 year-olds in the UK.

However, many people don’t realise that they have some problems associated with their frequent drinking habits. They remain in denial until someone from their family, friends, or office doesn’t point them out for their slow reactions, slurred speech, poor coordination, distracted minds, and anger issues, all the symptoms of alcoholism. Also, mild alcoholism can quickly turn into something dangerous over time. Hence, you should not ignore the early warning signs of alcoholism if you see them in yourself or a loved one and look for addiction help. A few symptoms include:

Drinking More Than Usual or Planned

Depending on body weight and gender, most people consider one to two drinks per day as social or moderate drinking. But, it can cause undesirable effects if the frequency increases over time. For example, drinking four or more drinks daily comes under binge drinking. And many alcoholics drink far more than this. While it is common for individuals with advanced alcoholism to consume a dozen drinks daily, the number keeps increasing slowly. It happens because the body becomes resistant to the effects of alcohol, and you may need to drink more than usual to feel the original impact…


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