Business News

Without quantum security, the future of our blockchain is uncertain for Cointelegraph


News from two teams of Chinese scientists obtained the quantum advantage — a technical term in which a computer can perform functions beyond the classical computer — may be a sign that we have truly entered a new era. Google’s 54 qubit quantum processor, while Sycamore became The best-known first example of early quantum computing is the best evidence that the latest news from the Chinese University of Science and Technology in Hephaecus has crossed the information rubric.

But while there are many reasons to be moved by these developments, there are also reasons to be concerned. Although we look forward to announcing traffic jams, sending animal tests to history books, or determining someone’s likelihood of cancer and then eager to engineer a unique treatment, everything in seconds has its dark power on the dark side. .

David Chaum blockchain is one of the earliest researchers and a world-renowned cryptographer and privacy advocate. Dr. Chaum first proposed in 1979 the so-called “Godfather of Privacy”. In 1982, his dissertation at the University of California, Berkeley became the first known proposal for a blockchain protocol. Dr. Chaum went on to develop eCash, the first digital currency, and made numerous contributions to securing the voting system in the 1990s. Today, Dr. Chaum is the founder of Elixxir, Praxxis, and xx Network, and combines research and contributions in the areas of cryptography and privacy to deliver state-of-the-art blockchain solutions.